Kapi Tjunu - Ernabella Arts

For tens of thousands of years, water has shaped the lives of the peoples of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in Australia’s central deserts. Temperatures can reach the high 40Cs, rainfall is scarce and  ‘Kapi Tjunu’ - an intimate knowledge of watersources - is passed from generation to generation to ensure the survival of both the Anangu people and their Country.

This ancient and profound understanding of environment, rock holes, natural springs and subterranean water sources is central to the art of the APY Lands and is the theme of Aboriginal Contemporary’s new exhibition with Ernabella Arts. 

Please join us to celebrate these beautiful artworks, each one a story, a treasure that unlocks secrets of the very special Country where it was painted.

View exhibition catalogue HERE

Please join us for the opening 5.00pm - 7.00pm on Friday 28th March.

Artwork by Alison Lionel 'Likara' 100cm x 150cm

Come and visit

254 Bronte Road

Waverley NSW 2024

Tuesday - Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 4pm

By appointment please call 0450929183