My Grandmothers Country - 51cm x 51cm

Artist: Denise Ngwarraye Bonney

Size: 51cm x 51cm

Medium: Acrylic on cotton

Denise paints 'Tijamburra', her Grandmothers Country.

"This is my Mothers Mothers Country, out near Canteen Creek, we go hunting for wild onions, goannas, echidnas and sugar bag honey in the trees.  I like to hunt in my Country, there is water all year round even if it look dry, we follow the bird tracks to know where to dig and then we find water.

This painting is after rain, many grasses are out, but the riverbed is still sandy'.

The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint 'altyerr' dreaming stories, the artists paint their country where those stories sit.

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